CL-2000 series crane scales offer a high precision, strong and excellent stability.
This is the right choice for heavy engineering industries such as iron, steel, foundries and logistics and more. bright & large LED display used for excellent visibility from a distant place. An optional remote display and thermal protection enable it to be used even in high temperature applications.
Ladle Weighment
Ship Building Industry
Tensile Test
Large & bright green LED (32mm) display for excellent visibility
150 hours battery backup which leads in line workflow.
Robust mechanical structure
Overload protection
High-tension hook and shackle
Weight accumulation function
Remote control calibration, wireless option available
Infrared remote controller (distance 20 m)
Optional heat shield model for high temp ladle weighment
Power saving mode; rechargeable Battery
Push button Tare facility
Large & bright green LED Display
Crane scale with long battery backup
Robust aluminium die cast enclosure
Heat shield protection for high temp weighment
Wireless Remote Control and Remote display for easy operation
Wireless Remote Display
Wireless Remote indicator with printer
RS 232 interface
Android app with bluetooth
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