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Truck Lifting Prevention System

Truck / Chassis Lifting Prevention System at Container Unloading Area

Our system prevents the truck/trailer from lifting during the process of unloading the carriers. This is mainly used for container terminals. Sometimes in port, during the unloading process of containers, the twist locks of the trucks/trailers are unlocked. In some cases, these locks don’t unlock completely (partially unlocked/locked) that can lead to lifting of the trucks/trailers in to the air.

The PM-TLP system helps to avoid these severe accidents in the container terminal, by giving a warning to the crane operator to stop the process. This warning will be viewable or audible, which may vary depending upon the requirement. This system is applicable for RTG and STS cranes, and it ensures that trucks/trailers are elevated into the air by a crane hoist. This intelligent and innovative solution accelerates container handling operations at land-sided unloading areas. The measurement system by Measure Di is applicable to prevent truck lifting and ensures safety.

Key Benefits


High system reliability, Time-efficient


Prevention of severe accidents


Compact and easy installation


Applicable for all truck/trailer types


Supporting all types of twist lock/unlock fault


Intelligent Self-diagnostic system alerts

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Precise For Any Size

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