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Dumper Payload Monitoring System

The installation of accurate and easy-to-view onboard weighing solutions and production monitoring enables fleet operators to control loads moved, driving down haulage costs and improving productivity.

The weighing concept

Weighing is accomplished by sensing the axle deformation caused by the load being placed on the body. Our hi-tech, heavy-duty sensors are installed in such a way as to provide an accurate weight whilst loading and operating in the toughest of site conditions. “A simple solution providing outstanding results.”


Key Benefits


Load right on the spot


Track loading efficiency


Reduce truck wear on tyres, transmission, engine & bodywork


Production monitoring in real-time on your tablet, smartphone or PC


Know beforehand the transported cost per ton


Reduce fuel consumption by preventing overloading


Worldwide factory-trained support backup


Extreme testing for supreme accuracy

Dumper Payload Monitoring System

01Weighing and loading data management device installed on board

The Device is perfectly positioned in the cabin to give you the best view of its display and operability in choosing the data you want to enter before starting the load. Its swivel mount allows you to direct the Device as you wish.

Dumper Payload Monitoring System

02Load sensors to determine the suspensions pressure

The load sensors are inserted, by means of special fittings, on each suspension of the dumper to measure the pressures involved during the variation of loads and movement. The degree of protection of the sensor ensures operation at the most extreme temperatures and environmental conditions. The characteristics of its cable and its protection have been chosen for the work environment where substances derived from oil or salt will not damage them.

Dumper Payload Monitoring System

03External light for maximum capacity warning

This LED light is installed outside the cabin to alert the loading machine when the maximum capacity is about to be reached. With an intermittent flashing which increases when the set threshold is approaching, it proves to be useful for the load phases where compliance with the capacity of the vehicle represents a decrease in maintenance costs. Up to 3 lights can be installed to compensate for the different loading positions that the machine can take, right, left or back.

Field Installations

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